Celebrate 25 years of Pokémon battles, adventures, and memories with a festive parade of Pokémon including Mew, Ho-Oh, Lunala, and Zamazenta. With 10Celebrations-themed booster packs and five additional TCG booster packs, there are plenty of opportunities to indulge your nostalgia while building a deck that celebrates everything the Pokémon TCG has to offer. And with a collector's box to keep your new cards safe, you'll be making new Pokémon TCG memories for years to come.
The Pokémon TCG:CelebrationsElite Trainer Box includes:
10 Pokémon TCG:Celebrations4-card booster packs
5 additional Pokémon TCG booster packs
1 special foil card featuring Greninja ☆
65 card sleeves featuring the Pokémon 25 logo and lightning tail design
45 Pokémon TCG Energy cards
A player's guide to theCelebrationsexpansion
A Pokémon TCG rulebook
6 damage-counter dice
1 competition-legal coin-flip die
2 acrylic condition markers
A collector's box to hold everything, with 4 dividers to keep it organized
A code card for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online